Monday, November 30, 2009

Mr. Brian

I love taking my guys to get their hair cut. They are too grown up..... and that means I'm old, right.

Pirates in the Park

Fall in Memphis

Rainy Days


For the last few days Jack has wanted this elephant to do everything and I mean everything that he does. Got to love it (not really very bothersome) but I love my little guy.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Onions and Peaches

Last night Jack learned all about the noises different foods make. Now we will have to eventually break him of the habit of eating with his mouth open but for the moment, it was a lot fun!

Watch as Jack tells Mindy which foods make noises and which do not..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Feed Me!

After roughly twenty minuets of pulling Porter off a pile off rocks he kept shoving in his mouth my friend suggested he might be hungry? Good point. Was he ever, this was his next thirty minuets.

Outdoor Fun

Memphis minus the heat is a beautiful place to be and I love it. This is the Botanical Gardens where we have been spending most of our time these days.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Big Night Out

Last weekend I stayed at a hotel downtown for a little rest and relaxation. It was me, myself, and I and I loved it. Thank you Mark for knowing just what a women needs. The funny thing about leaving Mark with the boys is that they always come back to me looking like their dad(or the best Mark can do with a combination of their closets).
The shorts and polo's were this year and the biker look below was Mark and Jack from last year. Who says only girls play dress up.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A day out with Friends.

This is a tribute to my friend Teresa who is an amazing woman. I met her in a birth class for Jack and as a funny twist of fate we had our second babies at the same time also. Needless to say we have loads in common and I think she's great. I laugh because she's funny, I learn from her parenting, and I will die when she leaves Memphis.

Fire Museum

Every time we drive by the fire museum Jack can't stop talking about it for hours (the massive fire truck outside and all) so when our besties invited us for a date we jumped at the chance.

Water Fun

It is 125 degrees in the shade here so we will find any excuse to get wet.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Memphis to Durango and back again

Our family reunion was tons of fun! However you would not know that from the lack of picture I took at said reunion, but trust me we had a blast. A special thanks to Marks parents for always being so great. We drove cross country and am proud to say only turned Word World on once. The boys were great. At one point I looked back and saw Jack balancing things on his finger.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Trains, trains and more trains.

Trains are big at our house so when we found out our family reunion was going to be in Colorado we figured we had to take a ride. It was great Jack loved the smoke and the loud noise and Porter tolerated the long ride and the heat. As for Mark and I it had equal parts fun and not so fun.