Saturday, December 22, 2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Had Jackson been a girl I would have bought five, as it is I only bought two. :) Just teasing but come on Target wheres the boy version? I mean I am at your store every other day how did I miss it.

Where's Jackson

I swear I swear I was in the room. I had a mountain of laundry I was folding and Jack had crawled around the corner but didn't return. Well come to find out the little bugger had wiggled himself under the bed. It was so cute until I had to pull him out and he would not push his head down to clear the board. Tears were shed and let's just say I don't think he'll be going to that hiding place anymore.

The leaves have left

Leaves suck! Coming form Utah I have not had much experience with this horrible activity however this fall I have had my fill. Mark and I chose to ignore out yard as long as possible but when you live in a neighborhood of retired gardeners it becomes important. Side note- my neighbor gets up every morning and blows leaves from his yard to his neighbors because she has the big tree. I think its a long standing grudge but it makes me laugh every time.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I think she's delirious!

The question is.. am I crazy or so maternally sound as to be a combination of Martha Stewart and Mother Teresa all in one. I have always wanted my children close together but now that I am staring down the barrel of big belly number two, my nerves are getting the best of me. If I was to get pregnant in January Jack and his little baby whatever would be 18 months apart. What to do? No, I'm really asking. The Mother Teresa thing was a joke, I need all the help I can get.
Stay tune....

Tennessee Twostep

My Mom and Michelle got to come out and see us for Thanksgiving and I am truly thankful for them.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Good Morning Dad

Each morning Jack and I go into our photo both to say, "what up" to the man in our life. Because Mark works so hard and we miss him so much this is our way of keeping him close. Here are our favorites from day to day.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Jerry the Giraffe

Jackson is growing at warp speed, the giraffe is for scale. :)

Major Milestone

October 29, 2007 Jackson got his first tooth. True to form he took it like a champ, not one tear. We had a bit of fussiness and a runny nose but all in all it was a good day. My little guy is the toughest thing this side of the Mississippi and I love him for it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jack's new Wheels

My little bundle of joy is getting too big and chubby for his baby stroller so this weekend Mark and I headed straight to Baby's R Us for some new wheels. Then we proceded to take our first Memphis nature walk. Needless to say I was not impressed, I miss you Mueller Park.


My morning ritual has now become me bringing Jack into bed with me because I love to cuddle him but more importantly I am selfishly still sleepy and am dreaming of a bit more shut eye. This of course doesn't happen but we do get about ten minutes to ourselves to smile, rub noses and yawn our eyes awake. This is our time and it's what we're used to, however the weekend comes and things change. Jack is all out of sorts wondering what to do with two people in the bed. He will turn and play with my eyes for a bit then shift to Mark and scratch on his beard going back and forth trying to figure us both out.
We are a family and it became clear to me the other day when Jack, tired of splitting time between Mark and I, rolled onto his back, stretched both his arms out and at the same time grabbed our faces and closed his eyes. He was done playing and wanted to go back to sleep and I was complete!

Highlights from Home

Jack and I just got back form spending some time at my moms. It was a fast trip but we had tons of fun, like always!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Tub Time

The funniest thing happened on the way out of the tub. Jackson found his penis. As a parent all of your child's discoveries come with a smile of happiness but this one was accompanied with a giggle because come on its his penis! He looked down and for the first time noticed something special. He reached out and gave it a big tug but when he could tell it was not going to detached he just moved right on to the fishy floating by. As far as he's concerned one toy is just as good as the next...... Oh my little man.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Family Pics

Nothing special to say we have just been taking millions of pictures. Leave me alone everyone is a camera whore with a new baby. I know I should really clean my language up now that I'm a mom.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

5 years and counting!

Can you believe it I have been married for five whole years. General consensus is that marriage is death and one should stay away but I choose to look on the brighter side. I love Mark and you know what I love being married, maybe I'm just one of those crazy people who is content with their life (side note- I just took that color personality test and every answer was white. That's me boring and content but I guess in this case it works).
Anyway back to marriage, don't get me wrong I have had thoughts of running away with the pool boy from time to time but for better or worse I'm here. So to share in my big day here are five reasons I continue to love Mr. Marky Mark.
1. He's funny, he farts and says it's necessary to prevent colon cancer.
2. He's handsome, say what you will ladies but I think my man is sexy.
3. He's just like my dad and for those of you who don't know he was the coolest man ever.
4. He gave me time to grow up so he could love me forever.
5. He makes me feel beautiful!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Seattle Spectacular

Seattle was a BLAST! Our girls trips have now turned into baby bonanza but I think it went well regardless of the added testosterone. Thanks to auntie Naz, Tiare and Michelle for being so great. Stacie and I were mommies on the go and we loved it. Life changes, this trip we brought the babes, who knows we might even let the guys come (Mark has been waiting patiently, I love him).

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Grandpa's Eyes

As a new parent one thing I have figured out is that everyone has an opinion on "who your baby looks like". It's decided that Jack has Marks face shape, my chin, my coloring (sorry Jack) and my eyes. Well that's all well and good, and I'm sure he will change a million and one times before he settles in to his own grown up face.

In my opinion most of his features are questionable as to their origin but I have no doubt that his eyes were given to him straight from his Grandfather. When Jackson smiles, it is all Gary Lynn Merrill to me. I knew I had this kid for a reason! Jack thank you for being such a handsome devil. You will never know what the priceless gift you have given me, I hope to keep you laughing for a lifetime. And Dad, I miss you everyday, thank you for being my father.

Photo Shoot